Start Guide

Get an overview of Degame's features, integrations, and how to use them.


  • You can quickly browse our recommended Communities, Feeds, Quests, Influencers, Guilds, Gaming and Events on in our Home

  • You can also explore more interesting facts and videos in Discover


There are many projects that have established communities here, including games, NFT, Infrastructure, etc. You can learn more about the project and get rewards by completing quests in the community.

  • You can explore communities in "community" and click on the cards to enter community details

  • In the community details, you will see the quests, leaderboards and your activities in the options bar.

  • If you want to create a community, you can click the button “Create a Community" , enter the information on the page that opens and submit it.


There are a lot of information and articles related to Gaming and NFT here. You can get our pomelo rewards by sharing feeds to twitter.


There are various quests created by the communities. You can also view them in the community details.

  • You can click on the quest card to claim the quest, and you will receive experience points(EXP) and rewards after completing it by pressing the button in the details. Rewards include pomelo, Token, NFT, Discord Role, etc.


We have collected over 4000 of games, you can check their introduction and various data in Ranking, and you will receive polome rewards after downloading the game.


We have collected a lot of events, you can easily find the events you are interested in and view the introduction, schedule and position here. You will also get pomelo rewards after you sharing the event to twitter.

Last updated