Quest: Discord Role

Quest Objective: Enable users to understand that completing the prerequisite quest will grant them Discord Role with corresponding privileges and benefits.

Quest setup steps:

Category: Discord

  1. Title: Discord Role (or customize the title)

  2. Description: Enter quest details and annotations.

  3. Icon: You can choose to customize the quest logo, and if no logo is uploaded, the system logo will be displayed automatically.

  4. Actions: Select the Discord Role, link to the Discord server, and choose the Discord Role to be published after connecting.

  5. Reward: For Rewards Distribution, you can choose between "Fixed" or "Random" and enter the desired value for contribution points (recommended range:100-150CP).

  6. Pre-Quests: You can choose whether to require users to complete the previous quest before unlocking the current quest (or leave this option unset).

  7. Maxclaims: Limit the number of people eligible to claim.

  8. Tag: Distinguish the quest types.

Template Reference:

Category: Discord

Title: XXX Discord Role

Description: By obtaining this role, you can showcase your expertise and interests within the Discord community, enhance recognition and influence, and access additional privileges and features. It also allows you to establish connections with other members and facilitate more effective collaboration with team members.

Icon: No logo uploaded

Actions: Select the Discord Role, link to the Discord server, and choose the Discord Role to be published after connecting.

Rewards Distribution: Fixed

Contribution Points: 100CP

Pre-Quests: (Set 5 Pre-Quests)

Maxclaims: None

Tag: Discord tag

Last updated