
4 types of on-chain validation are accessible.

We currently support 8 chains (ETH, BNB Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Arbitrum, Scroll Alpha Testnet, Linea, Manta Pacific Mainnet) in the type of NFT holders.

9 chains (ETH, BNB Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Arbitrum, Scroll Alpha Testnet, Solana, Linea, Manta Pacific Mainnet) in the type of Wallet balance, Transaction, Transaction-contract.

  • Hold the Specified NFTs: To verify if a user holds an NFT on a specific chain, select the correspondent Chain and enter the NFT contract. The NFT name is automatically shown once you enter the NFT contract. The Minimum is the number of NFTs that you set for the participants to hold.

  • Verify Token Balance in Wallet: Wallet balance is a way to verify if a user holds a certain token. Select the correspondent Chain and enter the token contract. The token symbol is automatically shown once you enter the NFT contract. The Minimum is the number of tokens that you set for the participants to hold.

  • Total Transactions: You can verify if a user has transacted on a certain chain. The Minimum is the number of transactions that you set for the participants to verify.

  • Transactions with the Specified Contract: You can verify if a user has interacted with a specific contract. The Minimum is the number of interactions with a specific contract.

Last updated